This page will be updated every 60 to 90 days as our needs are fulfilled or change, so please visit us often to see what is current. LAST UPDATE WAS - 9/10/2024
Our prayer needs are constantly changing. God has demonstrated to us over the years that He is faithful in answering our needs because we are faithful in responding to His direction for our ministry. These needs will change over time, so please revisit this page over-and-over again and ask your Christian friends to hold our list up in prayer. And may God bless you for doing so.
As of January 1. 2024, one of our major needs is to complete the School of the Supernatural building (SOS), our eventual pastoral training facility. We have numerous pastors throughout the river villages along our section of the Amazon that are in dire need of bible training, as well as spiritual training, to help them become far more effective in ministering the gospel to their respective villages. While we have come a long way since our building start in 2015, especially with major completions in 2023, we still need quite a lot more to complete the facility and operate it as God intends.
Please refer to our financial needs below, and then pray how God may have you participate - and God Bless You for doing so!
Also, as of June of 2023, our area of the Amazon Jungle is under severe circumstances as "local" versus "national" factions are in complete disagreement over the management of funds that have been set aside by a near-by oil company's operations for use throughout this area. We are under a great amount of pressure for trying to be good citizens and help the local police to maintain law and order within the villages affected. In the past year and a half, three people have already been murdered over this conflict, and no resolution is yet in sight; therefore, we need your prayers for not only our safety, but the safety of all our Bretana residents, as this situation continues to evolve.
1) Our health. The Amazon Jungle area is beautiful but opportunities to get hurt or sick abound. Your building start in 2015, continual daily prayers for the safety and health of Jose, Clara, Larri and Jazmin would be greatly appreciated.
2) Family Unity. As with any Christian team, or Christian church, family unity is so very important. Please pray that in all things our family unity remains strong and God-centered.
3) Wisdom. Every day we are faced with monumental decisions. At times they can almost become over-whelming. Wisdom is needed to make the best choices that God desires us to make.
4) Revelation. It is one thing to find and put in place a remote village river-pastor. But then the process of training that pastor to understand the revelations and directions from God becomes paramount.
5) Spiritual growth. As with any church body, spiritual growth is very important. In the Amazon, there are so many distractions just in daily living that it’s quite easy in this environment for our villagers to lose focus on spiritual growth. Pray that we continually find ways to prevent this from happening.
6) Leadership growth. This is applicable for ourselves as well as for our remote pastors. The key word here is growth. As we establish new pastors through-out our remote village churches, it’s a major challenge helping these men mature and helping them to grow in their faith and in their leadership abilities. Even in the smallest village, that pastor develops others to assist him, which requires tremendous leadership skills.
7) Praise and worship. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will grant us more and more anointing as we do our best to develop the attitudes of praise and worship among our congregation in Bretaña as well as help our remote pastors to do likewise in their villages.
8) Youth leadership. We start at a very early age to teach our children about the love of Jesus. As they mature into young teenagers, it becomes very important that they have older teenage role-models they can rely on for all kinds of support. Identifying and training these older teenagers is vitally important.
9) Evangelism teams. Our ministry is headed by the four of us, Jose, Clara, Larri and Jazmin. To spread the gospel of Jesus Christ even more effectively, it is truly important to find and develop others that can form evangelism teams closer to their individual villages.
As we enter 2024, we are so very thankful for all the donations that were received in 2023, and what they paid for (see below).
In 2024, our major construction needs are associated with finishing-out the SOS building (our new pastoral training facility), for building one new village church and enlarging another one, and for repairing the fencing around our two garden areas.
In February of 2024, a new need developed that we had not yet published below. We had framed-out all the first-floor windows of the SOS building but needed an additional $900 to add appropriate screening to all the windows. A donor provided the $900 as soon as the need arose.
1) Install new fencing around the property (labor cost) $2700
In July of 2024, $2700 was donated to install the fence
In August of 2024, funds were donated for a new front door for the SOS building
2) 6 more doors are needed to finish-out the door requirements $1300
3) 16 bunk beds $3840
4) Gate for new fence $1000
5) Completely build-out the dining room and kitchen $6000
5) 16 bunk beds $3840
6) 20 tables $3600
7) Add 2 more bathrooms to the SOS building $3000
8) Smart TV to record and play training sessions by other pastors $1000
9) 5 laptop computers $3000
10) 1 printer $1500
In May of 2024, $1000 was raised to buy the new fencing material needed for the 2-acre garden area. The Church at Trophy Lakes provided $431 and Jose was able to raise the rest. $800 to pay for labor is still being sought.
13) Front fence with a gate for the 2-acre garden area $750
1) Chicken House w/post and wire to protect chickens $1000
2) Heavy duty leaf blower - gas or electric $500
3) Pontoon Boat House to secure two missionary boats $5000
4) Annual fee - security guard - protect pontoon Boat House at night $ TBD
1) 500 small bibles for villagers $1500
2) Total materials & labor required to build a new small village church $3500
3) Total materials & labor to enlarge one existing village church $2000
1) Concrete base for one elevated water tank was built with donated funds - Aug----$1000
2) 20 windows for the SOS building purchased with donated funds - Aug---------------$2400
3) 8 doors for the SOS building purchased with donated funds - Aug--------------------$1760
4) New village church at Manco Capac was built with donated funds - Dec------------$3200
5) 60 plastic chairs were donated for the new Manco Capac church - Dec -------------$ 900
6) Regulation volleyball court was built for Manco Capac church - Dec ----------------$ 450
7) A gasoline powered high quality weed eater was donated for garden area - Aug---$ 900
8) A new 75hp boat engine was donated -Jul-----------------------------------------------$12000
9) Repairs to our larger boat was needed - funds donated - Oct--------------------------$1000
10) One 100hp boat engine had to be rebuilt - funds donated - Nov---------------------$4000
1) In February, funds to pay for toilets, fixtures and two 2500 litre water tanks for the SOS building were donated ----$2000
2) $1800 was donated in the spring to paint both ministry boats, which was completed in June
3) Everything needed to complete the Upper Room in the SOS building was donated in June - $2700 - and the work was completed in November
Pictures of all these donations are presented below.
2024 Donations
1) In February, a $900 donation was received so that the windows of the 1st story of the SOS building could be finished out with appropriate screening.
2) In May, $4800 was donated to construct two bathrooms within the SOS building to include septic tanks.
3) In May, $1000 was raised to purchase new fencing material for the property. Labor cost to install the fencing is still needed.
4) In June, a noise reducing headset was donated for when Jose has to use the noisy weed-eater.
5) In July, $2700 was donated to install new chain-link fencing around the SOS property.
6) In July, appropriate funds were donated to install a beautiful front door onth the SOS building
Pictures of these donations are presented below as available.